Pond-Less Waterfalls

Cascading Waterfalls are simply re-circulating waterfalls and/or streams without the presence of a pond. Now you can enjoy the sights and sounds of a waterfall without the maintenance of a pond.


Is this right for your space?


If space is lacking in your yard or you have safety concerns with a pond then a Cascading Waterfall is your best choice. It’s a waterfall and stream, without the pond. But remember, you will be limited on aquatic plant choices and you cannot have fish with a Cascading Waterfall.



The small size of a Cascading Waterfall means you can build and enjoy a beautiful waterfall anywhere in your yard- front or back!



Cost can be a big factor when considering the type of water feature you want to build. On average, a professionally installed Cascading Falls will range from $1,500 to $5,000+ depending on waterfall size and type of rockwork involved. Operating costs are also less as it’s not necessary to run the pump 24/7. You can set the pump on a timer to operate only when you are home.



Because there is no pool of water, a Cascading Waterfall is a great option if you are concerned about safety issues associated with a traditional pond.



Taking care of your Cascading Waterfall is easy. Filling the reservoir every few weeks to compensate for evaporated water is all that’s required. Or you can install an automatic fill valve and eliminate virtually all maintenance!


Complete System

Here’s how it works:

A Cascading Waterfall works much like a regular pond. The hole is dug then lined with a flexible liner, then basin matrix boxes are added to keep the reservoir open and available for water, then the basin matrix boxes are covered with rock and gravel, and filled with water. The water is then circulated from beneath the rocks and gravel by a pump that sits on the bottom, inside a Pump Canyon. A pipe runs from there up to a Cascade Waterfall spillway and into an overflowing waterfall, where it falls back into the reservoir. Since the water level never pools above the level of the rock and gravel, it gives the appearance of a waterfall without a pond, when in fact, the “pond” is there but not visible

©True Blue Pond Care  |  Crafted by Ohno Design